Jimm Pratt

Web Developer, Certified EU Drone Pilot, and Amateur Musician in Denmark

Jimm Pratt

Web Developer, Certified EU Drone Pilot, and Amateur Musician in Denmark

Currently seeking Web Development or Project Management roles, taking advantage of my 25+ years as a Web Developer, Educator, and Project Manager.

In the meantime, I fly drones for aerial photography, videography, and surveys in Denmark as a part-time hobby job.

In the "old days" I used to turn a decent hand at graphic design, web development, and Linux administration support. But now I take on smaller challenges like interfacing Raspberry Pi's with poodles.

On my off days, I play and train with my poodle, Max (pictured here on a cycle taxi I built), fly drones, read sci-fi, practice guitar, or tour around central Europe on recumbent cycles.

My CV - https://tinyurl.com/JamesPrattCV

drone services - https://remote-ventures.dk

  • Education
    • KEA - Cph, Denmark - Bachelors in Web Development
    • MyDroneAcademy ApS - Cert. Multirotor Category 1A